
Ivanhoe Grammar School has a proud tradition of service with the Australian Army Cadet Corps, and now after more than half a century of distinguished operation, the School has the largest Cadet Unit in Victoria.

Students join the Cadet Unit at the completion of the Winter Sports Season in Year 8 and during their time in the program, develop leadership, communication and planning skills that serve them well in later life. It is also an opportunity for students to create lasting bonds that transcend year levels and campuses. Our young cadet leaders work tirelessly to set an outstanding example for their peers and as each year moves through the ranks, we view them with pride.

Involvement in the Cadet Unit is a major leadership opportunity, and provides a platform for senior students to exercise real leadership skills. The training complements the academic program and gives student invaluable skills in their life beyond school.

Cadets helped me develop my leadership skills and taught me that I am so much more capable than I realised.

2018 School Captain