Senior Years Subjects at Ridgeway Campus
Senior Years subjects on offer at Ridgeway Campus accommodate the diverse interests of our students.
Year 10 Subjects
- English or English (EAL)
- Health & Physical Education
- Humanities
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Core
- Mathematics General
- Science
- Art
- Chinese
- Commerce
- Digital Technologies
- Drama
- English (Bridging EAL)
- French
- Literature
- Media
- Music
- Product Design & Technology
- Spanish
- Sports Science
- Visual Communication Design
VCE Year 11 Level Subjects offered in Year 10
- Accounting Units 1 & 2
- Applied Computing Units 1 & 2
- Art Making & Exhibiting Units 1 & 2
- Biology Units 1 & 2
- Business Management Units 1 & 2
- Chinese (FL) Units 1 & 2
- Environmental Science Units 1 & 2
- Geography Units 1 & 2
- Health & Human Development Units 1 & 2
- History (Modern History) Units 1 & 2
- Legal Studies Units 1 & 2
- Physical Education Units 1 & 2
- Politics Units 1 & 2
- Psychology Units 1/2
VCE Year 11 Subjects
- Accounting Units 1 & 2
- Applied Computing Units 1 & 2
- Art Making & Exhibiting Units 1 & 2
- Biology Units 1 & 2
- Business Management Units 1 & 2
- Chemistry Units 1 & 2
- Chinese (FL) Units 1 & 2
- Chinese Language, Culture and Society Units 1 & 2
- Environmental Science Units 1 & 2
- Economics Units 1 & 2
- English (EAL) Units 1 & 2
- English Units 1 & 2
- French Units 1 & 2
- Geography Units 1 & 2
- Health & Human Development Units 1 & 2
- History (Modern History) Units 1 & 2
- Japanese Units 1 & 2
- Legal Studies Units 1 & 2
- Literature Units 1 & 2
- Mathematics: Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2
- Mathematics: Mathematics General Units 1 & 2
- Mathematics: Specialist Mathematics Units 1 & 2
- Media Units 1 & 2
- Music Performance Units 1 & 2
- Physical Education Units 1 & 2
- Physics Units 1 & 2
- Product Design & Technology Units 1 & 2
- Politics Units 1 & 2
- Psychology Units 1 & 2
- Spanish Units 1 & 2
- Theatre Studies Units 1 & 2
- Visual Communication Design Units 1 & 2
VCE Year 12 Level Subjects offered in Year 11
- Accounting Units 3 & 4
- Art Making & Exhibiting Units 3 & 4
- Biology Units 3 & 4
- Business Management Units 3 & 4
- Chinese (FL) Units 3 & 4
- Computing: Software Development Units 3 & 4
- Geography Units 3 & 4
- Health & Human Development Units 3 & 4
- History – Revolutions Units 3 & 4
- Legal Studies Units 3 & 4
- General Mathematics Units 3 & 4
- Music Contemporary Performance Units 3 & 4
- Music Repertoire Performance Units 3 & 4
- Physical Education Units 3 & 4
- Politics Units 3 & 4
- Psychology Units 3 & 4
VCE Year 12 Subjects
- Accounting Units 3 & 4
- Art Making & Exhibiting Units 3 & 4
- Biology Units 3 & 4
- Business Management Units 3 & 4
- Chemistry Units 3 & 4
- Chinese (FL) Units 3 & 4
- Chinese Language, Culture and Society Units 3 & 4
- Computing: Software Development Units 3 & 4
- Economics Units 3 & 4
- English (EAL) Units 3 & 4
- English Units 3 & 4
- Environmental Science Units 3 & 4
- French Units 3 & 4
- Geography Units 3 & 4
- Health & Human Development Units 3 & 4
- History – Revolutions Units 3 & 4
- Legal Studies Units 3 & 4
- Literature Units 3 & 4
- Mathematics: General Mathematics Units 3 & 4
- Mathematics: Mathematical Methods Units 3 & 4
- Mathematics: Specialist Mathematics Units 3 & 4
- Media Units 3 & 4
- Music Contemporary Performance Units 3 & 4
- Music Repertoire Performance Units 3 & 4
- Physical Education Units 3 & 4
- Physics Units 3 & 4
- Politics Units 3 & 4
- Product Design & Technology Units 3 & 4
- Psychology Units 3 & 4
- Spanish Units 3 & 4
- Theatre Studies Units 3 & 4
- Visual Communication Design Units 3 & 4