Middle Years
The Middle Years (Years 7 and 8) of secondary school are a pivotal point in a child’s education. Beginning with the transition from Primary to Secondary School, then into Senior Years, it can be an exciting time of discovery and a challenging time of change. Ivanhoe Grammar School continues with its personalised approach during the Middle Years; in Year 7 our Personalised Mentoring Program begins, helping students find and define their strengths and goals, and implement a plan to achieve them.
Join us for the first day of Year 7. Hear from our students and teachers about this exciting and pivotal time in a young person’s life.
The Middle Years program is an exciting and innovative one. Our curriculum aims to engage students, foster an interest in learning and be accessible for students with different skills and interests. Our program also caters for students with a diverse range of learning styles, levels of ability, cultural backgrounds and personal interests.
Students in Year 7 and Year 8 at The Ridgeway Campus undertake gender-specific classes in core Middle Years subjects and co-educational classes in all others (Languages, Arts and Technology Electives).
In our Middle Years curriculum, all students study:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities
- Faith, Ethics and Attitudes
- Health and Physical Education
- Languages – French, Chinese (Mandarin) and Spanish
- The Arts
- Technology
In Year 8, students are given elective options within The Arts and Technology to further hone their individual interests.
Every student in Years 7 to 12 has their own laptop and we have an on-site IT support team to assist. Ivanhoe students are empowered through advanced digital technology to drive their own learning. 3D printing, robotics, computational thinking and digital design are embedded in our curriculum giving all students the capacity to develop strong digital literacy skills.

My vision for the Middle Years is that every student feels a sense of belonging in an environment where they can learn, explore their talents and grow.
Voula Arnas
Head of Middle Years