Friday 05 June 2015

Winter Recital

The Winter Recital was held in the Founders’ Centre on Wednesday 3 June at 7.00pm. The standard of performance was extremely high and the audience enjoyed a varied and entertaining program of vocal and instrumental items. Ensembles included the Male Choir as well as Brass, Flute, Strings and Classical Guitar. Some of the senior performers, including Emily McCarthy, Jack Simsek, Casey Davine, Rose Kenney, Jacob Minarelli and Ashley Kneebone performed part of their VCE repertoire. There were also some very impressive performances from the younger music students.

Thanks to the Music staff for their outstanding work and to ‘In Tune for their ongoing support.

There is ample opportunity for students to develop their performance skills at soiree music concerts and drama productions throughout the year. For more information about the School’s Performing Arts Program, click here
