Monday 24 October 2016

UNICEF Soccer Match

On Monday 24 October, the Student Representative Committee (SRC) at Buckley House organised a special Soccer Fun Day. All donations will be directly donated to UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. They hope to raise as much money as possible for this worthy cause.

The sun came out for this special event and everyone had a wonderful time on the North Ground with all the proceeds going to a worthwhile cause. Students came up with a myriad of interesting and creative activities that made sure all involved had fun.

The activities included the soccer penalty shoot-out, where students versed their teachers and scored house points for every goal scored, a colouring competition and kahoot quiz in the science room. There was also a blindfolded mystery soccer challenge, where students were blindfolded then turned around while attempting to score a goal without hitting the objects in the way, and also a crossbar soccer challenge.

The SRC did an amazing job organising the event and a big thank you to the teachers who acted as goalies and put their bodies on the line. Everyone’s involvement was greatly appreciated and all the funds raised will go to a really great cause.
