Thursday 24 May 2018

Science Fair

The Buckley House Science Fair opened on Thursday 17 May and runs until Friday 8 June. A range of high-quality entries have been on display, created and designed by Year 1 – 6 students, in the categories of Science Photography, Video Productions and Scientific Posters.

Our Year 6 Science Fair and Digital Leaders worked hard to put together this innovative fair with interactive displays allowing visitors to watch the twenty ‘Video Production’ entries on iPad’s or iPhone’s by scanning the visual triggars for each individual project. Year 6 Science Fair Leader’s Lucinda Thomson and Charlotte Turner worked really hard behind the scenes.

Lucinda had this to say about the experience, “To begin with, Charlotte and I organised the fair. This included doing assembly announcements, collecting names of people who wanted to enter, and advertising. Then, Charlotte set up the science fair while I created the BlippAR videos as I am a digital leader.”

Charlotte thinks the best thing about science is, “I think that the best thing about science is freedom of creativity. There are so many different fields of science and there is no end to what you can study and uncover. Science is a very inspiring subject, the discoveries that have been made and will continue to be made are incredible. The potential of science and what we can learn is unlimited.”

Charlotte and Lucinda learnt so much through their involvement in the planning and organisation of the fair such as communication, collaboration and to be flexible when things don’t go as planned. It’s so wonderful to see our primary students engaged and inspired by the possibilities of Science. If you haven’t already got the chance to check out the Fair then make sure you get down before it ends on Friday 8 June.
