Thursday 26 March 2015

The Huxley Debate

Without doubt, one of the highlights of the Old Ivanhoe Grammarian’s Home Coming Weekend was the clash of great minds and intellects at the Huxley Debate, held in honour of former staff member, the late Peter Huxley.

Pondering the topic, “Things were better in our day”, were some of Ivanhoe Grammar School’s finest, including Mr Wilbur Wilde ’72, former member of staff Mr Mark Biss and Mr Ben Barnett, Plenty ’99 who were challenged with making a case for the affirmative. Presenting the opposing view was the award winning debating team of Mr Mark Hoysted and Mr Michael Gorton both from the Class of ’76 and Dr Elizabeth Mullins.

On hand to ensure that order was kept and that speakers were respectful of the allocated time was moderator and Class of ’74 member, Ash Long. Given the calibre of the speakers and their passion to prove a point, the moderator’s job was not an easy one. However in his own special way, Ash was able to keep these experienced campaigners under control. (well…almost!)

After an hour and a half of more ‘tall tales and true from the legendary past’ than you would have found in ten episodes of Disneyland in the ‘60’s, the debate was declared a draw which allowed the near capacity audience a chance to mix, mingle and reflect on what was a very entertaining evening.

Thanks to all those involved, for their meticulous preparation, slick delivery and sharp wit!
