News and Events: Author Archive

20 Jan

USA Basketball Tour


The USA Basketball Tour, led by Katrina Hibbert is a sporting and sight-seeing extravaganza and the 2015 trip was no exception. From 8 -24 December a large group of students and staff travelled throughout the USA living with host families, attending local schools and playing matches against other basketball teams giving them a unique insight […]

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18 Jan

Service Trip to Cambodia and Laos


The group of Ivanhoe parents and alumni carried on the School’s commitment to education in Cambodia spending 14 days working with needy communities, offering educational support to teachers and students in Cambodia and Laos.,, Many families donated items such as used reading glasses, The Ridgeway Campus Library group knitted baby beanies and the Ivanhoe Grammar […]

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14 Jan

Eight Years of Success for Ivanhoe Kayakers


The 2016 Wildwater and Slalom School Championships which ran from 8-12 January saw a large contingent of Ivanhoe Grammar School paddlers compete at this event on the Forth River in Tasmania.,, Ivanhoe Grammar School dominated the School Awards at the national championships, taking out the National Schools Competition for the eighth year in a row […]

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11 Jan

Ivanhoe to India


This year a group of 11- 13 year-old students attended the Round Square Conference at Daly College in Indore, India. They departed on Sunday 3 January and will return on Sunday 17 January after completing the post conference tour. The inspirational theme of the conference was: Somewhere over the rainbow – Dreaming of a wonderful […]

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04 Jan

Combined VCE/IB Results


Following the publication of the International Baccalaureate (IB) results, the School is now in a position to provide a consolidated picture of the academic outcomes and successes of the Class of 2015. Students completing their Year 12 studies at Ivanhoe Grammar School last year have again performed to an exceptionally high standard, consistent with outcomes […]

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07 Dec

Plant stalls for a great cause


Throughout this year, our trusty group of Library Leaders have been making great use of our school’s wonderful Science facilities to grow and sell plants, to raise money for various worthy causes in our community. The first plant stall held was a Mother’s Day stall, which raised $200.30 for the Pink Ribbon Foundation. To be […]

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07 Dec

2015 Chess Tournament


At The Ridgeway Campus, the final of the chess tournament was held in the Library on Friday 4 December, the last day of school. The tournament has been played each Friday throughout Term 4 and has been hotly contested by some keen Year 8 and Year 11 students. So keen were the contestants, that the […]

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04 Dec

Round Square Indian Visit from Vidya Devi Jindal School


On Monday 9 November, four Indian students and their teacher, Ms Aradhana Malik, arrived from Hisar, India via Bangkok at Melbourne Airport. After being greeted at the airport by both the host families and Mrs Kathryn Filbey, Middle Years Exchange Coordinator, the students then headed home with their hosts to be introduced to their new […]

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03 Dec

Student selected for Victorian Under 18 Baseball Team


Sixteen year-old Year 11 student Hamish Foreman has been selected to compete in the Victorian Under 18 Baseball Team, accomplishing a goal that he has been working towards since he started playing baseball in Year 5. The national youth championship tournament will take place in January in Blacktown, NSW. Currently, Hamish plays on four baseball […]

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03 Dec

The Night of Notables


On the evening of 2 December, the Year 8 students at The Ridgeway Campus celebrated the annual Night of Notables. The night was a wonderful celebration of what our talented students are able to achieve through an engaging and collaborative project facilitated by dedicated and passionate staff. It is the culmination of a four week-long […]

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03 Dec

School Carol Services


To celebrate the end of the year and the start of the Christmas season, each Campus held a family Christmas carols service for students, parents and staff in the final weeks of Term 4. These events were wonderful opportunities for the entire School community to come together and celebrate another great year at Ivanhoe. The […]

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30 Nov

Students participate in Gymkhana


On Thursday 26 November, students who have riding lessons at Plenty Campus joined with members of the Equestrian Team and parents to participate in a Gymkhana. The event celebrated the end of the Equestrian year and students enjoyed participating in a number of games including pole races and egg and spoon races. Parents and students […]

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