Tuesday 19 May 2015

Alumni Sydney events

Geoff Brown (’62), Astrida Cooper (Director of Development), Principal Rod Fraser and Alumni Coordinator Elise Dunstan (’01) will be hosting events in New South Wales as part of the Centenary celebrations.

This is an opportunity to expand your social circles and support networks, and possibly create career connections…


The OIGA Drinks are being held next Friday night (May 22) at The Winery in Surrey Hills between 6-9pm. Book your ticket here:

There is also an OIGA Lunch being held on the Saturday (May 23) from 12pm at the Greengate Hotel, Killara. Book your ticket here:

Geoff and I need to confirm numbers at both venues for catering purposes so, we would really appreciate it you could jump online and book your ticket/s noting any special dietary requirements. Thank-you to many of you who have already done so, and great to see some partners/spouses on the list too! The more the merrier.
