
Ivanhoe Grammar School welcomes your child’s application

An application to enrol at Ivanhoe Grammar School must be made on the School’s official application form.

Before you commence the application, please note

The following documents are required to complete the application.

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Australian Visa/Australian Citizenship document for applicants who hold an overseas Birth Certificate

A non-refundable, non-transferable fee of $120 will be charged per application.

One application per child is required.

Once the application is submitted, if you wish to amend the details of the application in any way, for example, change the year of entry, please contact the Admissions Office to assist you. Please do not lodge multiple applications for one child.

The main points of entry to Ivanhoe Grammar School are below. However,  an application can be lodged for any year level, outside of these main points of entry.

Buckley HouseThe Early Learning Centre is the main point of entry at Buckley House. Places outside of this main point of entry are limited and dependent upon availability.

Plenty Campus  – The main points of entry are Foundation and Year 7. Places outside of these main points of entry are limited and dependent upon availability.

Ridgeway Campus  – The main point of entry is Year 7.  Places outside of this main point of entry are limited and dependent upon availability.

Old Ivanhoe Grammarian priority is granted to the applications of the children and grandchildren of past students when the following criteria is met.

  • The past student is in receipt of Old Ivanhoe Grammarian Life Membership
  • The application is lodged in the child’s first five years of life

Alumni, please contact the Development Office on 9490 3508 if you are unsure of your Life Membership status.

Schedule of Fees

Enrolment Agreement

Commence the Application 

To ensure an accountable and equitable process of enrolling students at Ivanhoe Grammar School, the following process is followed. 

Step 1 – Apply

Applications are submitted online via the official application form. A completed application form is a pre-requisite for admission, but not a guarantee of admission.

The following documents are required to complete the application.

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Australian Visa/Australian Citizenship document for applicants who hold an overseas Birth Certificate

A non-refundable, non-transferable fee of $120 will be charged per application.

A separate application is required for each child.

Step 2 – Joining the waitlist

Once the completed application is submitted, your child’s application joins our waitlist for entry, according to the level/grade and year of entry you selected.

Step 3 – Commencement of the offering process

Approximately two and a half years before Year 7 commencement, the School will request confirmation of your continued interest in Year 7 entry. The School will then commence the offering of positions in line with the Enrolment Policy.  Priority is given to those with a family connection to the School;  that being a current sibling or a child or grandchild of an Old Ivanhoe Grammarian Life Member.

  • For entry outside of Year 7, the School will be in touch at the appropriate time or as opportunities arise
  • Additional documentation in support of the application may be requested
  • Year 7 interviews, while not standard procedure, may be requested by the School or by parents. At all other years of entry, an interview will be arranged as part of the application process
  • A Letter of Offer may be sent for your consideration.

Step 4 – Acceptance and confirmation of enrolment

Instructions on how to accept a position are provided in the Letter of Offer. Prior to the due date, the Letter of Acceptance must be signed and returned as instructed and the Capital Levy 

Additional Information

Please inform the Admissions Office if your contact details, in particular your email address, changes.

Demand for places at the School is strong and early applications are encouraged.

For Early Learning Centre enrolment, children must be fully immunised. Medicare Immunisation Certificates are required to confirm enrolment. See the Victorian Government’s ‘No Jab, No Play’ immunisation policy for further information.

Year 9 students attend University Campus.  To apply for Year 9 entry, select Year 9 and your preferred home campus of either Plenty Campus or Ridgeway Campus on the application form.