Thursday 24 May 2018

Tuition Fee Raffle

This is your opportunity to purchase tickets for just $50 and be in the running to win the 2019 tuition fee for your child. Tickets are available until 29 July. This raffle was last held in our Centenary Year 2015 and it may not be held again for another three years. Any funds raised from the raffle will be directed to School projects nominated by the Principal.

The Tuition Fee Raffle will be drawn at the Silk & Spice Gala Ball on Saturday 11 August, however you do not need to be in attendance at the Ball to participate in the raffle. Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and friends are all welcome to purchase tickets, the only restriction is that staff members of the School and their immediate family members are not eligible to take part.

Click here to purchase tickets

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