Friday 12 August 2016

AEROSkools Aerobic Competition

The AEROSkools Aerobic Competition was held on Thursday 11 August at Melbourne Girls College.

The School sent a team of 27 students from The Ridgeway Campus to compete in various pairs, trios and groups. For some of the students this was the first time they had competed and performed with eager but nervous smiles and really had a lot of fun. Some of the seasoned veterans of the sport really proved to be a great challenge to other schools.

Overall the students won 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 2 bronze medals along with coming 3rd in the Schools competition.

Over three quarters of the aerobic squad qualified to represent Ivanhoe Grammar School & Victoria at the National AEROSkools Completion to be held in Bendigo on16 September.

We wish them all well in their competition.
