Friday 18 March 2016

90 Degrees

Year 9 students have taken their learning out of the classroom participating in many different programs such as Urban History in Richmond, The La Trobe University Experience and Café Culture.

The Café Culture students presented 90 Degrees, their very own pop-up café in the Middle Years Centre where they served a range of delicious sweet bites, savoury dishes and hot beverages including tea and coffee.

The students were split into groups to cover all business areas of running a cafe, including marketing, business, food and decoration. Students visited a successful cafe in the city and learnt how to run a business and deal with problems that they may encounter.

The Café, housed in a classroom in the Middle Years Centre, was completely transformed into a bustling, hip eatery with ambient music and sweeping views of the North Ground. Students were dressed in black and white uniforms and putting their newly learnt skills into practice they had a great time serving parents and staff. It was wonderful to see the café filled with teachers and parents supporting the enterprising students.

The Year 9 out of Classroom program runs on three separate occasions during the year and students participate in experiential learning outside the classroom. For further information about the program click here.
