Honours Assemblies
Congratulations to all students who received awards at Academic Honours Assemblies across the School on Friday 12 and Monday 15 February. The School was delighted to catch up with 2015 leavers and celebrate their achievements.
Many family members were in attendance and it turns out that one such family has a long connection with the School that goes back many years.
Dux of The Ridgeway Campus, Lucas Yong who received an ATAR of 99.95 (which is the maximum possible score and places him in the top 0.05% of Australia) returned to receive the B A Meikle Award for Chemistry and VCE Unit 3/4 Subject Award for Physics.
The inaugural Meikle Chemistry Award has been generously donated to the School by the family of the late Andrew Meikle (Class of 1982) who in a serendipitous twist not only was taught Mathematics by Lucas’s grandfather, James Yong from Year 9 through to Year 11 but was also his Form Teacher for Year 11.
Three generations of the Yong family have been involved with Ivanhoe Grammar School. Grandfather of Lucas, James Yong was a mathematics teacher at the School for 28 years from 1973 – 2000 and enrolled his son Dominic who became School Prefect and graduated in 1986 to go on to become a doctor. Sons, Lucas (Class of 2015), current Year 10 student Max and Year 7 Student, Jacob carry on the proud tradition of academic excellence and undoubtedly have a bright future ahead of them.
DUX of the Plenty Campus Maren Oghanna achieved an ATAR of 98.7 and was formally presented with a VCE Unit 3/4 Subject Award for Physics. Maren started School in Year 7 and was a conscientious and energetic student who will be remembered fondly. Maren will be studying a double degree at Monash University in Bio Medicine and Engineering. It was great to see both families of cousins, Maren and Emmanuel Saka, who was School Captain in 2015 and Proxime Accessit of Plenty Campus celebrating the achievements of their children on the day.To read more about the excellent results from the Class of 2015 click here