Sunday 08 November 2015

Bringing the future of technology to the classroom

The future of technology is alive and well at Ivanhoe Grammar School. The School has designed a space that can cater for a variety of learning interactions now and in the future called The Learning Well – a classroom that enables students to experience new heights of learning technologies. The space allows teachers to push new boundaries with their teaching methods by using these high-tech facilities and acts as a testing ground for what will work in a classroom environment.

The classroom consists of the main learning area known as The Campfire, based on David Thornburg’s work, Campfires in CyberSpace: Primordial Learning Metaphors for Learning in the 21st Century, and includes a projector, whiteboard and a unique U-shaped couch for students to sit and be part of the interactive learning experience. One of the most exciting features of the space are the Virtual Excursions which allows students and teachers to virtually visit anywhere across the globe.
,, With break-out pods included in the space, students can work in smaller groups to explore the range of facilities and opportunities The Learning Well offers.

For more information on learning in the 21st Century click here
