Tuesday 13 October 2015

Plenty Campus Visual Arts Exhibition

The 19th Annual Plenty Visual Arts Exhibition celebrates the creative talents of students from all secondary levels at Plenty Campus. Works on display are from subject disciplines of art, product design and technology, media and visual communication design.

The exhibition was officially opened by artist and educator Marcus Jobling, who made a most engaging and enthusiastic speech. He demonstrated admiration for the diverse work on display and noted the courage it takes to publically display work and the journey taken through the creative process, which is often the more challenging aspect in this journey towards the final piece.

One of the highlights of the exhibition opening is the presentation of First Place and Runner Up of The Randal Marsh Art and Design Award and the Acquisition Award.

This year, Sam Torre (Year 12 Art) was awarded First Place of The Randal Marsh Art and Design Award for his acrylic painting which observed the childhood mentality of imagination, curiosity and exploration. Runner Up was awarded to Jack Sellers (Year 12 Art) for his three sculptures examining Greek Mythology of ‘The Three Fates’. The Acquisition Award recipient was Casey Davine (Year 11 Studio Art) for her urban landscape photographs.

Now in its fourth year, the Old Ivanhoe Grammarians’ Association presented an encouragement award in the visual arts. This year Darren Wingjan (class of 1989 and former president of the OIGA) presented the award to Rubi Dinardo in Year 10.

Excellence and encouragement awards were also presented to students from each of the Years 7-10 Visual Arts classes and the evening concluded with the screening of films produced by Media students.

To view a selection of photos from the Exhibition, please CLICK HERE
