Tuesday 19 May 2015

Year 8 author visit – Andrew Plant

Author/illustrator Andrew Plant kept Year 8 students captivated on Friday 15 May with his visit to The Ridgeway Campus Library as part of the visiting author program.

Andrew trained as a zoologist before discovering he preferred painting and writing about animals rather than dissecting them! He still enjoys being a science educator and also designs, choreographs, and directs student theatre.

During the session, Andrew spoke about his latest release, ‘The Poppy’, a CBCA Notable Book which is based on Villers-Bretonneux, a French village that is eternally grateful to Australian soldiers who saved them from capture during World War 1. Students were taken through the process of story and character creation, and discuss plot arcs, changing point-of-views and other aspects of picture book design.

After the session, the students said:

‘I really liked the content Andrew talked to us about. I learnt how much appreciation the French have for us Australians as we aided them during World War 1.’ – Aydin Year 8

‘I was amazed at how talented Andrew was at drawing and how he was able to tell a story with pictures.’ – Thomas Year 8

‘Andrew taught us about another place that was caught up in the war. I was amazed at how little I knew and how important it is.’ – Hamish Year 8

Author visits will be conducted throughout the year for all students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.
