Thursday 10 July 2014

Centenary Faces

The objective of this project has been to creatively document the wide-range of experiences and memorable people, places and events during Ivanhoe Grammar School days by taking a photo of alumni (individually or with other alum) holding a blackboard revealing their School secret or memorable moment.

Whilst many alumni have stated the obvious, some have been quite cryptic with their memory which adds to the assortment of images and messages to create an interesting and ‘colourful’ tapestry. We have ‘captured’ alumni from all four Headmaster eras, representing the range of experiences and memories associated with their Ivanhoe Grammar Schooling.

The unveiling of the final collage will be launched at the OIG Centenary Drinks on Friday 20 March 2015.

You can book your ticket to the OIG Centenary Drinks via Trybooking here!
