Wednesday 07 October 2020

Senior Years Performing Arts Concert

In the aftermath of the Spanish Flu of 1918 came the realisation that music pulled people through the tough times. The public appreciated music, loved music, and realised most of all that they needed music. It was a human expression that healed humanity during testing times.

Sharing it built community. This engaged people worldwide. We have seen people stepping out onto their balconies in urban centres, raising their voices in song, playing an instrument for the love of it, and realising the need of it for the greater good.

And so it goes for the students you will see in the following presentation, which promotes the talents of our students. The standard of playing has improved exponentially during our time of online learning: students have increased their focus by engaging in more concentrated practice schedules, and they have taken the opportunity to present their work to our school community, fuelled by the dedication and rigour required to prepare it.

What follows is very different from our live Music Ensembles and Soloist’s Concerts. It is wonderful to hear the variety of performances from our Year 9-12  music students. These have been uploaded as an expression of complete joy for all of us to share.

Watch The Ridgeway Campus Performing Arts Concert – Senior Years 9-12