Healthy Body Mind & Soul
The start of Term 3 has seen a return to online learning for Foundation – Year 9. Except for our Early Learning Centre students, this means that all primary students have begun online learning.
In response to this Buckley House has combined two curriculums, Mr McInerney’s Physical Education and Mr Keuneman’s Health & Wellbeing and created a new way for students to get active at home and participate in a wellbeing activity of their own choice. An online tool, the Healthy Body Mind & Soul diary encourages all students from Foundation – Year 6 to document their physical and health & wellbeing activities each week. Students have embraced the idea with lots of enthusiasm and some delightful results.
Each day students are encouraged to fill in two sections of their diary. Before lunch, students are encouraged to step away from their screens and practise 30 minutes of physical activity of their choice. After they have completed their physical activity students are asked to reflect on the experience and how it made them feel.
The second part of the diary is to choose a Mind/Soul activity. A huge variety of ideas such as writing gratitude letters, calling family members, helping parents clean the house, doing photography, trying yoga and listening to music have been suggested. Once again the reflection process is suggested and this action of writing the reflection on why students chose the activity and the realisation of how it made them feel is almost as important as the activity itself.
Year 6 student Charlotte shared some great photos of her physical activity and her mind/soul activity during her first week of Term 3 online learning from home. She reflected on how good it felt to practise yoga and also the gratitude she shared with her mum after she helped out by emptying the dishwasher without being asked.
‘My mum smiling made me really happy and she gave me a big hug,’ said Charlotte.
More information on wellbeing and key wellbeing contacts can be found on Ivanhoe Connect.